Are Canapé Events The New Fashion?


Canapé Catering in your home

Let’s be honest, we all want to invite our family and friends to our homes and have a nice evening of food and drink. The problem, however, arises when we try to find a seat for everyone. Could you squeeze 40 people in the living room and dining room? Probably not. What if we brought the food to you whilst everyone stands and socializes? Let’s talk about canapés.

For the past 6 months, we have noticed a huge upturn in the volume of canapé events being booked. These are very commonly used for birthday and engagement parties.

The benefits of Canapé Catering is endless. Here are our top four favourites:

  1. You can host a large party without needing a big venue.
  2. Canapé events are typically more cost-effective than banquet or degustation menus, with prices ranging from $39 to $59 per person.
  3. You can enjoy a variety of food over a few hours.
  4. Being presented with a variety of delicious snacks throughout the night feels incredibly classy.

What do our guests think about their canapé events?